green mold

How To Identify and Get Rid of Green Mold

More than 70% of homes across the nation are riddled with mold, and many of them remain unaware until someone in their living space becomes sick. Of course, considering the worst-case scenario isn’t the first thought that comes to mind when you catch a glimpse of mold in a small corner of your basement or shower area.

How can you detect and identify green mold in your home or business?

Detecting mold is a tricky business, and it’s often approached as if it will eventually figure out how to remove itself. Even when you march down to the basement with a bucket of vinegar and other common cleaning supplies, it’s hard to remember that mold spores need to be removed from the source, not just the mold that’s visible.

Most store-bought test kits fail to identify certain types and quantities of mold

We often breathe in mold spores day to day without even knowing. And those with weakened immune systems are more likely to be affected if mold growth transpires indoors. Certain green molds, like aspergillus, can trigger lung inflammation, and lead to pneumonia. Store-bought test kits failed to identify thousands of more types and can often be skewed when representing the quantity of mold in any space.

When it comes to the thousands of species of mold types, your primary target is to check and test confined spaces, especially if it’s made of wood. From ceiling beams to cabinetry, wood-related areas of your home are prime real estate for mold growth. They settle into the cracks and crevices and make themselves feel right at home in your space.

Look for colors in addition to green, as molds of various colors can often grow together  

It’s not just wood that poses a great risk. For many, mold types like green mold begin in the pores of shower grout. Green mold is a category of thousands of fungi species, whose spores present with a greenish hue. They can vary in color, but green is most commonly identified. The three common types of mold with green spores include penicillium, Aspergillus, and Cladosporium.

Why is a professional mold remediation service necessary to spot and remove green mold from your home?

Being a home or business owner comes with a laundry list of property responsibilities. It can place some of the most stressful expectations on your shoulders, but prioritizing the ones that need immediate attention can help you rearrange and set your space up for long-term success.

You will receive a thorough mold diagnosis from specialists in the field 

Mold technicians have the necessary experience, knowledge, and education to identify and remediate a mold infestation. Not only do they possess the background knowledge to effectively eradicate all traces of mold, but they have the resources and equipment to ensure the job only needs to be done once.

Proper green mold removal is essential to your health and wellness

The health of your family, friends, loved ones, and even pets can be impacted by removing mold from your home. From wallpaper to drywall, wood, paneling, and other essential structures in your home, mold damages and rots your home from the inside. In a worst case scenario, floors could cave in, and ceilings collapse.

Anyone who is susceptible to the specific pathogen becomes more vulnerable to other bacteria and harmful exposure that can negatively impact your respiratory system. If you notice a mold infestation that covers more than a five-square-foot area, you should not attempt more mediation on your own. And really, there’s no mold infestation that’s too small for a professional remediation removal service. They’ll help you identify where the mold grew from, and get rid of it for good.

Do it correctly the first time to prevent paying for supplies on your own or unqualified services

We’ve all been there; being friends with a general contractor or roofing specialist who can help pitch in on a small project for family and friends. While it might work for your neighbor to help with your bathroom renovation, no specific 

UES can treat and remedy your mold concerns

Ultimate Environmental Solutions was created to help property owners of any sort navigate through a mold crisis. And even if you’re not there yet, or you haven’t noticed any mold issues in your home, it doesn’t mean that it’s not present. With professional mold testing, you can create a safe to breathe environment and catch mold problems before they become a matter of health and safety.

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